Partners in Policymaking ®

Partners in Policymaking ® is an innovative national model of leadership training for people with developmental disabilities, parents and family members. The program is designed to provide state-of-the-art knowledge about issues and policies related to disability, and to develop participant competencies to become more effective in influencing policy development at all levels. The overall intent is to achieve a productive partnership between people with developmental disabilities, parents, and family members, and those in position to make policy. Participants from throughout New York State are selected for inclusion in the training program. Selection is based on the individual's fit to the program as determined by the content of their application. The program is free of charge and is currently being offered in an interactive distance learning format. The Partners in Policymaking ® program provides an excellent opportunity for participants to improve skills to become more effective advocates, and prepares them to assume leadership roles in policymaking. Partners attend a series of web-based training sessions during the course. Partners are expected to complete assignments between sessions and to commit to one major project during the course, to be completed in the following year. These projects may include activities such as serving an internship, serving on a board, organizing a letter writing campaign, or organizing special receptions or town meetings for public officials.

For the Spring 2019 session, classes will meet weekly for 90 minute sessions, Thursday evenings from 5:00 - 6:30. Applications for the Spring 2019 session (classes start March 2019) is open – please go to and click on the APPLY NOW button

Lifespire’s Our Stories

Our Stories




Que es el Autismo?



Durante los últimos diez anos, Lifespire ha estado ejecutando un Programa de Respiro y Alivio para los padres en el Bronx y Manhattan, el programa es para adolescentes y adultos jóvenes que se encuentran en el espectro del Autismo.

Este programa es con el propósito de proveerle ayuda a los padres, un alivio y Respiro que ellos pueden tener en lo que sus hijos reciben servicios de recreación despues de la escuela, servicios que a la misma vez, los ayuda a mejorar sus destrezas de comunicación y socialización.

Esta entrevista (en español) que se ve en presenta a Maria Murray de Lifespire, Gerente de la Unidad de Respiro describiendo los servicios disponibles para la comunidad latina del Bronx y Manhattan. Eche un vistazo a esta importante entrevista y comparta con otras personas que puedan beneficiarse del Programa de Respiro de Lifespire.

Para comunicarse con Maria Murray, por favor, envíe directamente un correo electrónico: Maria Murray o marque: 646-753-1355.


For the past 10 years,  Lifespire has been running a successful Respite program in the Bronx and Manhattan for adolescents and young adults who are on the Autism Spectrum.

This interview (in Spanish) seen on features Lifespire's Maria Murray, Manager for Respite Services describing the Respite services available for the Latino community of the Bronx. Please take a look and feel free to share with others who may benefit from Lifespire's Respite Program.

To contact Maria Murray directly send email to: or dial: (646) 753-1355.