Family Support assists families by helping them care for their family member with a developmental/intellectual disability, and in particular by helping them maintain the person we serve in their home environment.
The programs and services offered by Lifespire are:
- In-Home Behavior Management (Queens and Manhattan): Lifespire’s in-home behavior management support program started operating in Queens in 1993. In 2004, the program doubled when the State approved the increase and extension of the program to both Queens and Manhattan based families. The program provides weekly instruction to parents of persons demonstrating problematic behaviors in the home. A Behavioral Intervention Specialist (BIS) assesses the individual’s behavior through both observation and parental report. The clinician will then generate a behavior plan and teach the family how to put the plan into effect. The case is continually monitored and progress reviewed with the family. Referrals to the program come from both service coordinators and parents themselves.
- Crisis Intervention (Queens and Brooklyn): The Lifespire crisis intervention program was established in 1985 for our families in Queens and Brooklyn. Families can receive linkage, short-term case management and advocacy services.
To be eligible for Family Support Services an individual must be deemed eligible by OPWDD and live with their family. For more information or to refer someone, please call (718) 454-6940 or email